How to Boost Productivity at Work

Date: June 26, 2020

Now that some of us are settling back into the office and getting back into a routine, it's a good time to talk about staying productive at work! Since being out of the office for the past few months, your productivity might have slipped, you lost your routine, or just need a reset!    It's time to get back and evaluate how productive we are at work.  Check out the best tips on how to stay productive for the whole workday! 


Take Regular Breaks

Taking regular breaks when you start feeling less productive is a great way to give your brain a break to recharge for the rest of the workday.  Depending on your office culture, this might look different for everyone.  Some great options are walking around the office, refilling your water bottle, and even squeezing in a workout or even a brisk walk during your lunch break! It’s a great way to keep you energized for the rest of the afternoon, and won’t have to worry about heading to the gym after work or waking up early!


Listen to Your Favorite Music

Not only is music great for boosting your mood, but it can also help improve your energy levels and help keep you focused during your day.  Grab those headphones and hit play on your favorite playlist! Some popular work playlists include classical, nature, and songs between 50 and 80 beats per minute. 


Make Lists

Making a to-do list every morning will help you stay productive and organized at work.  You could also make this the last task every night before you leave work.  Creating a to-do list before you leave the office gives you a head start on your morning as you've already planned what needs to be done the next morning.  This will help keep you on task and leave you feeling accomplished, there’s no better feeling than crossing items off your list! 


Meet With Your Team

To stay on task and make sure you are on the same page with your colleagues, start each morning with a meeting. Huddle together with your team for about 15 minutes and go over each person’s main tasks for the day. This helps everyone get on the same page and lets people know where their assistance is needed.  If you are still working from home, try a daily Zoom call! 


Eliminate Distractions

While occasionally browsing through your Facebook or Instagram feed in a day isn't a bad thing, constantly checking your phone for social media updates will not help you stay focused and productive at work. A good rule of thumb is to set a limit on the amount of time you spend on the Internet. You can also disable your app notifications or put your phone on do not disturb while you are in the office!


Clean Out Your Desk

Having a clean workspace is super important in staying productive at work! You’ll be surprised by how effective taking just 10 minutes to tidy up your desk can have on your mood.  Decluttering your space will help you from feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, and even stressed. You can make this your morning routine or mid-way through the day when you need a little break.  This will also allow yourself to focus on something that’s not on your computer, you’re letting your eyes take a break!

At the end of the day, when you apply these few changes to your work schedule, you will leave work feeling refreshed and productive! Setting goals for yourself, taking breaks, and setting time limits on distractions are all important parts of staying motivated and reaching your goals in the office!